Monday, June 23, 2014


This photo makes me laugh every time.

My weekend was pretty fantastic- Good food, good friends and relaxing.
Was filled with work and helping others, I love my job. I couldn't be more excited with the opportunity that was presented to me about a month ago. I love the ladies I work with and all the craziness that comes with it. The customers are the best over all, they're all so real! Nothing fake goes on in that place, it's so refreshing! After work I went and had my eyebrows waxed (they needed it desperately.) -I walked out feeling like a new person! ha, if you guys only knew what I go through with these things! I did a few other errands and finally made it back home later that night. Best nights sleep ever!
I had to work a long slow day, like literally it felt like it was going on forever....We had a few shoppers but not many, which was fine. That just means we could get stuff done from the past week. Finally we closed and got everything done, After work I went to dinner. I had a beautiful chat with few friends and had an fantastic dinner from O'Charley's. Of course like always, I had to have my last cup of caffeine for the day from Starbucks (where else would I go?)  Eventually I crawled into bed only to wake up at 3am to a text asking "Still Awake" Why yes I am, and why are you texting me at some weird hour of the night. People these days. 

Was the best day, I went and laid in the river with a few people- just talked and relaxed. I haven't felt like that since my trip to FL in May, got a little sun and made some new memories. Came back home ate a little only to get cleaned up and go back out to meet up for a quick snack. My outfit was the cutest! Granted half of my clothing is slightly sheer, I always make sure to cover the important parts. Along with Starbucks in hand- That was my weekend! I hope you guys have a fantastic week! 



  1. Sounds like someone had a good weekend!!

    1. It would have been ten times better if you were there to join us!

  2. Your weekend sounds like the perfect summer weekend!!! Just laying in the river/water with friends - I want to do that so badly before the summer is over!

    (ps- Thank you for your sweet note on my post today! I answered you back on my blog in the comments because it won't let me email you - it doesn't have your email listed in blogger! Just didn't want you to think I was ignoring you!) :)

  3. It was awesome! You need too and maybe have a drink or two!

    Thank you for telling me! I wouldn't think you're ignoring me, I would just say "She hasn't seen it yet" :))
