Friday, June 27, 2014

This week and a Birthday!

This week has been nuts to say the least!

I worked a half a day, I have a lot of learning to do with the gym side of it. I'm ready to take in all this information and know how to do my job correctly, Most of all I love how my coworkers are willing to teach me and show me again and again, until I understand. I couldn't ask for a better group of girls to work with! I love them all to death! 

After work I came home did a few things around the house, and just relaxed. 

My lesson learned on this day: You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can possibly change him, if you try hard enough. 


It was back to work and working with one of my favorite coworkers! 
It was dead slow in the morning, but it always is. People are just getting their day started and some are at work, like us. We were able to get photos taken and stuff done! I feel so accomplished when I'm actually doing and getting things organized. I hate not doing anything, because then you fall into a routine and it all goes down hill from there, screw routines, lets get crazy and throw a wrench in there! 

Close to closing time, a man came in to sign up for the gym. He was older nice looking and straight forward, He was talking to M (my coworker) and I about how men should treat their significant others. Some treat them poorly, others put them on a pedestal, He was saying every man should treat their woman with the up most respect and the woman should do the same to the man, but you should also put in 110% each- Not 50/50.
It was an hour and a half long conversation, I couldn't believe the things he was saying! It was all true. 

Finally got home only to lay in bed and read with my one of my favorite candy bars and water (I know that sounds delicious!)

Yes, It's the Grey series. Don't judge me, I'm a little behind. 


WAS CRAZY, I don't even want to talk about it. 

But lessons learned on this day,
1. I hate driving in the rain in bumper to bumper traffic
2. Free advice, is good advice. Seriously! 


Woke up in the best of moods, I couldn't be happier! I've got good friends, a roof over my head, a car in my driveway, food in my kitchen, and the best support system ever! Most of all it's my besties birthday! 

Ashley (owner of The Grits Blog) has been by my side for years, she puts up with my crazy life and all the stupid shit I do- for some reason she still loves me. 
I love her unconditionally, even when we have arguments it doesn't last long. We're okay with it and go on about life.
 So lovely, like I said to you earlier via FB, TEXT and now Blogging



 Stay Classy!





  1. Gah Carson I seriously love you. Thanks for being such a good friend to me - you really are an absolute treasure! Cheers to more years of being friends!

  2. Just for you A. I couldn't imagine life without you. No, no you are an absolute treasure! Love you! Cheers!!

  3. Wonderful post...I like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa

    1. Thank you! Yes let's do! my link is at the top!
