Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Fall in love..

With yourself and everyone else around you. 
I often don't take into consideration the people that love me for me, and will/have stood by my side though out all the crazy things I've done. I often don't see how could anyone stand to watch me destroy myself and then put me back together, it's an on going war inside of myself.  I often don't see how anyone could let me do whatever it is I want to do, No one has ever stopped me from driving to fast, going on a day trip to Atlanta (one of the dumbest things I've ever done), or eating to much chocolate. I realize these people have stayed here for a reason, because they love me, they think the world of me and know I can/will do better. It might taken me a while to get into college and find my footing, but I'm getting there, one step at a time. Nothing comes to those who wait << That statement is very true. I waited for an opportunity to come to me, Yes, one did but that didn't last very long. Soon after I had to go out and find what I was looking for, find that something that made ME happy, That made me want to strive for more. I'm striving for more in my life, I'm striving to survive on what I can for the time being, but in the end I want to live a rich and healthy life (rich- as in happy and relaxing) being rich would be nice, but not just yet. haha. 
My dad used to tell me, "Live everyday for yourself, no one else, and live a little for me." 
That's exactly what I've done, everyday is for me and a little more for him. 

(This all came flowing from my mind this morning.) 

Stay Classy-


  1. Well said girl!! It's important to always put you first and to make yourself happy. You can't bring others joy if you don't have it yourself!

    1. I'm understanding slowly why I haven't had much joy, it's because I haven't ever loved myself. Now I couldn't be happier, life only happens once and I'm going to make the best of it.
