Monday, July 28, 2014

I lose myself

You know how sometimes you get so wrapped up in a book and you lose track of time? Here lately I've been doing just that, losing myself. I feel like I've lost track of time, I've lost the person I want to become, I've lost the main reason I want to blog.
I just keep going, I want to go back to the person I was-becoming about 6 months ago. That girl knew exactly what she wanted, knew exactly what she wanted to blog about, knew exactly what to say at the right time. I want her back, desperately. If I could find that confident beautiful girl again, life would be complete. The girl who knows how to dress, make a statement, make everyone think twice. Where is she? 

She's buried deep inside of me inching to come out again, inching to see the light of day again. I want her back so bad, so very bad. 
I'm currently in this place in my life where i can't seem to make up my mind about what needs to be done with the rest of my life. I want to change every aspect of my life, as in hair color, the way I dress, what I talk about, the people I talk too. I want change.
I'm considering doing a lot of things different in the up coming months. 
First I'll start with my hair
I've always wanted to have platinum blonde hair. But I will settle for highlights, in this life time. 
this is the first and easiest change I will make. 
The next will probably be my clothing, I want to dress more my age rather than a 19yr, but believe it or not, my clothing has changed a lot over the past year. So it won't be that big of a change, and I'll still do my style posts. Which leads me to my next change, I want to start photographing my style. I always get compliments on a piece of clothing I'm wearing. I need to document these outfits so I don't post about it twice. 
Over all- I need change in my life, and I think I'm starting in the right place. lets see if this can keep going. 
Stay positive. Stay Classy. 
Image Map


  1. Yes girl yes! I love the honesty in this post. All you can do when you feel this kind of unrest is to keep on keepin' on. You've got this.

    1. I need to keep moving forward, I need to have that motivation, I want to want, I want to love again, I've got this in the bag. Just need a little help.
